E-mail lbs@tfadvs.com.br

Tel + 55 11 5053 2050

Leda Batista da Silva

Consultant | Lawyer


– Graduated in Law from São Paulo Law School of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, 2010.
– Master’s in Economic Law from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), 2023.
– She has a specialization in Compliance from Insper – São Paulo (2016), in Microeconomics from the Brazilian Institute for Competition, Consumer and International Trade Studies – IBRAC (2012) and in Antitrust Law in the European Union from Insper/University of Saint Gallen (2011).
– She has been working in the area of Antitrust Law / Competition Law since 2009. She is dedicated to investigating, resolving and defending cartels and other anti-competitive practices before CADE, as well as designing compliance and training programs. She has also been responsible for the approval of several national and multi-jurisdictional mergers.


– Women in antitrust: Antitrust across borders (org.). Singular Publisher, 2023.
– The role of the judge in the interpretation of rules and in the rule of law: an essay on the expansion of competition law into the labor market. (O papel do julgador na interpretação das normas e o Estado de Direito: um ensaio a respeito da expansão do direito da concorrência para o mercado de trabalho – free translation) Papel da Palavra Publisher, 2023.
– Price personalization in the digital age: criteria for antitrust investigation. (A personalização de preços na era digital: critérios para investigação concorrencial – free translation) IBRAC Magazine, 2022.
– Antitrust investigations and competition compliance programs: how do they interplay? IBRAC Magazine, 2019.
Global Practice Guide – Cartels 2019, Chambers and Partners.


– Manager of the Academic Board – Women in Antitrust (WIA).
– Coordinator of the Competition Law Committee of the North-Northeast Economic Law Association (ANNDE).
– Member of the Brazilian Institute for Competition, Consumer and International Trade Studies (IBRAC), the OAB-SP Competition and Economic Regulation Studies Commission (CECORE) and the Compliance Commission of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP).


– Portuguese and English